Thursday, 30 April 2009

Dynastic Period

In Kemet there really was no divide between the spiritual and mundane aspects of life for the Kemetians. The political, social and economic practices of the society were directly influenced by the spiritual overstanding or how such practices should be carried out.
Even buildings were built according to divine laws.

However, in this post we can look at some interesting facts about ancient Kemet.

The earliest Kemetians formed an agricultural society around the then fertile Nile valley about five thousand years ago. Their civilization lasted for some three thousand years longer than any other civilization known to man.


The word Pharaoh means "great house" and was used to refer to the ruler's palace until the New Kingdom when it it was used in refence to the ruler himself. The ruler was sometimes refered to as nefer netjer "good god" and sometimes as aa netjer "great god."

The rulers also had five royal titles one of which he received at birth the other four were bestwed upon him when he was crowned. The first two refered to him as the ruler of the two lands that were united" "the Sedge and the Bee" Nesw Bity and "He of the Two Ladies" Nebty . The other two, "Horus" Heru and "Golden Horus " Nebw , symbolize his identification with God. In fact. at his coronation the ruler wold re-enact the ascension of Heru to the throne after the death of his father Osiris.


Civilization of ancient Kemet began long before the Europeans came out of their caves and it lasted many thousands of years before the europeans came out of thier cave and destroyed it. This civiliztion was not based in any respect on the ideals or worldviews of Europe or any other non-African society.

In general ancient Kemetian society was predicated upon its spiritual system. Spirituality was so much an integral part of every aspect of society that they did not even give it a name such as Christianity or Buddhism. Spirituality did not stand apart as a category of society separate from other categories such as religion, government, education etc

Order in the land was maintained by a system that effectively developed the moral faculties in people, and by only allowing such men and women who had developed their moral faculties to hold positions of government. (quote from Neter Ra Un Amen's book)

Compare this to western society where order js maintained by law makers, law enforcement officers and religious leaders who are no more morally and/or spiritually developed than those they are trying to control. Also compare this to western religions which teach that man is inherently evil and incapable of internal moral discipline and so such religions merely give people systems of fables to believe and contradictory moral doctrines to try to follow exoterically.
There are many aspects of Kemetian society that deserve exploration.

However, for the purpose of this post we will focus on a few of the most fundamental aspcts.
  • Education
  • Family
  • Occupations
  • Rites of Passage

1 comment:

  1. Your are on point with regard to the centrality of spirituality to the our Kemetian people. However much of our understanding is based on the translations of others which contains some truth but the fullness of understanding and the secrets of the Kemetians lies much deeper. To access this knowledge we must first understand that the Kemetians are alive in the spirit world and have never left us. When start to connect with them directly then we really understand the Kemetian way. There are examples of these communications at What they are saying is through meditation we can connect with them. They have been waiting for us for a long time, the time when we awaken and connect with our positive Ancestors not as a point of offering but to listen to their wisdom to assist us on our journey. It now time more than ever for us to understand this is the only true reciprocal connection. Call on the Kemetians and listen to their messages.

